Absence makes the blogger less relevant.

Hi readers…if there are still some of you out there! Once again I’ve been a bad blogger, having not done a post for six whole months! A lot has happened. Boba arrived safe  and healthy in August, HE (yes we had a boy!) is our perfect little miracle. He is the clone of his Daddy with bits of my personality *cough*stubborn streak*cough* thrown in.

With the newborn days behind us I’m hoping I can get back to blogging regularly again. Only now I’ll be blogging about being a full time mum whilst living with Epilepsy. That’s the plan anyway, best intentions eh?! I’ve also closed my trying to conceive twitter account and decided I’ll be tweeting about PCOS, Epilepsy, Boba aka Baby Bear, sharing the odd picture and offering infertility supper from my @SaucyCHC account.

Blog/Tweet Soon @SaucyCHC x