Priceless Reassurance: Private Scan.

Well I say priceless reassurance but I can say this reassurance definitely had a price! I am of course talking about the private scan we booked for peace of mind. I’m going to jump right in and say I think this was the best behaved for a scan Boba has ever been. They must have known how important it was to us! We invited my mother-in-law to come with us to the scan as we thought with everything  she has done for us this week, this was best thank you gift we could give her. Well aside the roses I had given her the day before!

We didn’t have to wait very long once I booked in, Continue reading

Epilepsy Strikes Back: 25 Week Scare & 2 MAU Visits.

This post is written looking back over last week. It was too raw and my head too muddled to write this post at the time. I’m still emotional now nearly a week later and this is written with the help of what people say happened and my own scribbles written whilst coming around. It is a real account of what has happened and what Tonic Clonic seizures are like, let alone living Tonic Clonic seizures during pregnancy!

I woke up to the dog barking in my face and licking my cheek. I instantly knew what had happened. Continue reading

Catch Up, 16-20 Week of Pregnancy.

I’m back….I think. I’m aiming to be blogging regularly again (how many times have I said this) but as my life is so unpredictable right now who knows what will happen. The last time I properly blogged I was about 15weeks pregnant and admitted to be struggling with anxiety as well as accepting my pregnancy was very much real. I’m glad to say things have dramatically improved. I still have my anxiety and battle it everyday but the CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) devices I was told to try have really helped to accept my reality. And now the big catch up begins. I’ll blog right up until our twenty week scan, that deserves it’s own post! Continue reading

Ambulance Ride and MAU Visit.

So yesterday was, eventful. That is being kind it was damn emotional. I got taken to hospital last night via ambulance. I hate having to go to hospital let alone by ambulance. They are a big stress trigger which means I have lots of absence seizures and then when they wheel you in on that bed all you can feel is eyes staring at you. I hate the way people look at you. Anyway I’m getting off track. I started feeling very unwell about 5pm. My feet seemed to suddenly swell up, I had abdominal pain, nausea and I had felt no movement from baby all day. I rang NHS 11 to seek advice, Continue reading