Epilepsy Check Up.

Well it’s been a week full of appointments and hospital visits! On Tuesday I had the EPU scan, on Thursday it was the midwife booking appointment and today ie Friday I had my Epilepsy check up appointment. Two hospitals and three different departments in four days, it’s been a wild week.

My papa and I set a new record for waiting time for my Neuro clinic today. We were only 45minutes behind! Usually the wait is upward of an hour so today was a good day. Turns out it was a double good day as my appointment was short and sweet too. My neurologist has decided Continue reading

Booking In.

Well today was another milestone in our baby journey! We had our booking in appointment with a midwife today. After we get all booked in I will be referred to the Neuro Antenatal Clinic,which I mentioned briefly in the last paragraph of this post. The Neuro Antenatal Clinic has consultant lead care and midwife who have more than basic understanding of neurological conditions. As someone with Epilepsy I can’t express how amazing this is. To know that I’ll be able to talk about my Epilepsy and seizure types without having to explain everything I’m saying, which happens more than I’d like!

After waiting twenty minutes, with the need to pee ever increasing, we got called in. Continue reading

A Sigh of Relief.

Today was the day of our Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) scan. Unfortunately, my husband couldn’t get the time off work at such short notice so he was feeling even more angsty about what the appointment would hold. Luckily I didn’t have to go alone (not sure I ciudad have handled that to be honest) my mum used some of her work flexi time to come with me. There was a bit of a wait before I got called in, which didn’t help with the nerves especially as there were a few pregnant women there with young children who were running around without a care in the world. I found myself praying that I would never have to be back in this room and that in a few years we would have a toddler running about without a care in the world. Continue reading