Diet Realisations & Decisions.

I have had a lot to think about this past week. Last Friday I had an appointment with my GP. I went to get my prescription for my fat binding medication renewed. After being weighed my doctor input the numbers onto my records at which point I asked if there was any other help I could get. I’ve been with the same GP since I was 10 years old so she knows first hand how many NHS “healthy eating” programmes I’ve been through, how much I’ve dieted on my own and how I’m constantly losing the same 2-3st no matter how well I eat when not dieting. After asking the question my doctor looked at me for about a second before she said I could have weight loss surgery. Continue reading

IVF Diet 2.0

I am a 6ft woman with PCOS and Epilepsy. These two things can make weightloss hard but here I am again starting the whole process again. IVF diet take two, IVF Diet 2.0 if you will! After my last post I felt a little down. The thought of being back on a diet after having a month off was daunting. I mean it’s not like it’s been a month of celebrations or lovely things, it’s been a month full of other stressful things! I’ll touch upon what our next step is in regards to our IVF and FET (frozen embryo transfer) in another blog. For now just know that I have 21 weeks to reach the goal of IVF Diet 2.0. So if you’re still reading this then prepare for my vital statistics. Continue reading

Fat and Vulnerable.

I want to like my body. Yet I don’t. I want to be happy with myself even for just a day. Yet I’ve never had the pleasure. I’m bringing the truth about being eternally fat today. I’m being vulnerable. Fat and vulnerable to be precise. I don’t remember an age when I didn’t feel bigger than everyone else. Not just because of my height but also because of my weight. Here goes my story. Continue reading