A Year On.

Every once in a while Facebook pleasantly surprises me, today was one of those days thanks to their “On This Day” feature. Today I discovered it is one year since we took and shared the photo featured on this blog post i.e. it is one year since we had our egg collection. I didn’t think that date would ever leave my head but with everything that has gone on since I’m not surprised it did!

When we took this we had no idea what would happen. We hoped that one of those eggs they collected would fertilise, implant and become our take home baby. We also dared to dream we would get enough embryos to freeze to use for future cycles. Bits of both of those dreams came true. We got one embryo to freeze and that one miracle frostie is our take home baby due on the 4th September this year!

This picture was taken the day our Boba was made! Happy made day Boba, we love you so much and can’t wait to meet you. Thank you for making this Facebook memory a nice one!


Blog/Tweet Soon @HopeEpiMum x


Once again I’ve neglected my blog. I’ve promised myself that I’ll try to blog at least once a week from now on, hopefully I can stick to it!

Today I am three days away from our Nuchal Dating (12 week) scan. I’ll be 13weeks and 6days at that point which means we should definitely hear Boba’s heartbeat and see them really clearly. Which is good because in all honesty I’ve had trouble deciphering our previous scans! This time last week I was really excited about our scan and yet now I’m nervous. Continue reading

BFP and Early Weight Worries.

Once again this is a backdated blog, written before we announced our BFP. These feelings are still relevant though. I am not ungrateful but I want to show that wherever you are in your journey things are hard.

It’s 12:47 on Tuesday 12th January, my 7 week scan is just three days away. I saw my GP about 10 days ago to confirm my pregnancy and was advised to ring for an appointment with a midwife the first week of February. I haven’t had my 7 week scan and I haven’t had my booking-in appointment with a midwife yet, however I’ve already been talked to about gestational diabetes. Continue reading

Boba’s First Scan.

I can’t believe I’m writing this, today is the day of our seven week scan. Today I am 7 weeks pregnant and saw our baby for the first time since they were a little blastocyst in a dish in the clinic embryology lab! I went in feeling sick, I can’t say if this was nerves, excitement or simply morning sickness in reality it was probably due to all three!  Continue reading

FET #1: Official Test Day (backdated)

Before reading please know that this is a backdated blog. I wrote it on our test day but did not publish until now in case family members read it. I didn’t want them finding out via a blog post when we wanted to tell them after we have had our 7 week scan. Some may say this is a little early but honestly we know we could not hold this news in any longer!

It’s 8am on Sunday 27th December 2015 aka our Frozen Embryo Test (FET) Official Test Day (OTD). My husband and I are currently sat clinging to eachother’s hands waiting for the three minutes to be up so he can read what the result is on this Clearblue pregnancy test stick! Why does this take so long?! Continue reading

FET #1: My timeline.

Sorry for being missing in action on here lately. Truth is we’ve had a lot on, a family member recently passed away (on the evening of our OTD) and so I’ve not really felt like blogging. Things are still taking a while to process so OTD blog coming soon!

In the meantime I thought I’d share my timeline of my medicated FET. A few women on my Twitter timeline are doing a FET cycle soon and just like me before we started, have questions about what it involves. I remember looking for a timeline when we were about to start this medicated FET and not really finding one. There are a few variables between medicated FETs so please just keep that in mind. Continue reading

FET #1: Boba’s wombcoming.

It’s 9:30am on Wednesday 16th December and I can hear my phone ringing in the bedroom from where I am in the bathroom. So I do what every logical thinking woman would do, I neglect to flush the toilet and run towards the bedroom yelling at my phone to not stop ringing. I open the bedroom door so violently I scare my husband, leap over the bed and pick up my phone. Continue reading

FET#1: Not saying it’s fate..

It’s nearly here. After 38 days of pumping my body full of drugs by way of injections, tablets and pessaries it is Transfer Day Eve! We will get a call tomorrow morning to confirm we give permission for our frostie to be taken out of freezer storage. Then we will get a call later on to give an update on how well Boba thawed and to give us a time to one in for our transfer. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. I have my positivity about this cycle back. I’m fully aware that in the second bit of our (11day) two week wait my positivity will dip, but Continue reading

FET #1: Lining Scan.

Yesterday I had a scan to check the thickness of my womb lining, I know I get all the fun! At this point it was my 30th day of Buserelin injections and my 12th day of taking the Progynova tablets (of which there are three a day). The sideffects of both are really catching up with me now. Whilst the headaches and dehydration have settled down, the sleep disturbances and nausea are still kicking my butt. Ever since my prolonged absence seizure, I’ve been in a funk. The huge amount of positivity I had for this FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycle just vanished when that seizure came along. For just over a week now I have been feeling so low and could not seem to pull myself out of the well of negativity. That was until yesterday, when I got handed a ladder in the form of my womb lining! Continue reading